Modern Slavery Policy

Involved Solutions Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy 2024


·       Defining Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking:

At Involved Solutions, we are committed to identifying and eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking throughout our operations and supply chain. Modern Slavery is a severe human rights violation and has no place in our business. We demonstrate our unwavering commitment through our zero-tolerance policy and proactive due diligence.

The Modern Slavery Act 2015, UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) define modern slavery as conduct including forced labour, exploitation, and trafficking and servitude. We acknowledge that millions of individuals are victims of slavery and trafficking, and at Involved Solutions, have a corporate responsibility to comply with wider legislation to fight against it.


·       Our Commitments:

At Involved Solutions, we take pride in fostering individual talent and rewarding performance within our company. The core values of our organisation are fundamentally opposed to the motivations behind slavery and trafficking. We demonstrate our strong opposition to these practices through our zero-tolerance attitude, training, and policies. Including corporate action to promote worker protection, unionisation, and individuals’ access to broader civil rights.

As a SME, Involved Solutions is not obliged under Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to annually produce and publish a modern slavery and trafficking policy. However, we have voluntarily decided to publish our modern slavery policy, to further demonstrate our commitment towards combating illegal trafficking and slavery. All policies have been and will be approved by the Director of Involved Solutions.


·       Our Business Operations and Supply Chain:

We are a growing recruitment company established in the UK and the UAE, providing contract and permanent staffing solutions to both the private and public sector with less than 50 employees. All employees have received rigorous anti- slavery and trafficking education, ensuring all Involved Solutions employees are skilled at identifying and reporting illegal practises.

An extension of our business operations are the contractors and third-party companies, that create the foundation of our supply chain. Involved Solutions only works with said businesses, who have been externally approved and accredited by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). This provides reassurance of protection, acting as a regulatory enforcement of powers that provides assurance and reliability between business relationships.


·       Our Policies:

Policies are crucial for the development of Involved Solutions anti-slavery and trafficking commitments, symbolising our zero-tolerance approach to human right violations. They establish clear business standards and expectations; detailing what constitutes as unacceptable practises referring to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 standards. Effective policies not only minimise the threat of forced labour but helps to enhance corporate respectability and reputation through accountability. We expect all companies associated with our business operations to follow our policies and reinforce the objectives within them. Our policies include:


1.      Whistle Blowing Policy

Our Whistle Blowing Policy provides a clear and safe mechanism for reporting any concerns relating to modern slavery. The purpose of this policy is to provide a clear framework for our contractors or employees to follow, creating an outlet to report unethical practices, including but not limited to forced labour, human trafficking, and other violations of human rights. This system is anonymous and confidential, allowing the exchange of information without fear or judgement. 

2.      Supplier Code of Conduct

The Supplier Code of Conduct was established in 2017 by HM Government to foster trusting and transparent relationships for suppliers. This is an official document, that sets out Involved Solutions company mission, rules and expectation for our employees and contractors to adhere too. This Code of Conduct creates a framework, that ensures reliable relationships and standards that enhance our supply chain performance and customer satisfaction. It further strives to implement fair, ethical labour standards for our employees, promoting well-being and minimising unfair working conditions. Establishing the main components of correct labour practises to prevent discrimination, trafficking, and all illegal behaviour.  Therefore, symbolising our zero-tolerance for modern slavery and trafficking within the supply chain through our clear expectations of conduct. 

3.      Recruitment Policy

Our recruitment policy sets out our responsibility as a recruitment company to ensure we adequately place individuals who have the right to work. We ensure once our digital systems have complied information, we initiate calls to speak to potential candidates. We establish a firm rapport, asking questions around their career and circumstances making sure they are eligible and legally fit for work. We then manually conduct right to work checks, request passport scans, old manager contact information and share codes to ensure individuals are not being forced into being recruited and placed into work. 


·       Our Due Diligence and Actions:

Due diligence is a common and ongoing risk-management procedure, introduced by the UN Guiding Principles that is used to identify, prevent, mitigate, and account for adverse human right impacts. It additionally helps to highlight harms in the operation and supply chains, becoming an effective monitoring tool for risk management relating to modern slavery. 

1.      Management of Risk

As part of the UN’s Guiding Principles, due diligence extends to addressing the risk of modern slavery. Taking due diligence becomes part of our ethical responsibility, but also falls within legal human right requirements. Involved Solutions as a supplier, we commit to the standard that no risk shall be passed down to our contractors or employees resulting from our business operations. This extends to the ability to identify non-compliances at each step of our supply chain, to proactively irradicate human right violations before they transgress. Additionally, we conduct assessments of risk areas linked to modern slavery, focusing on high-risk sectors, regional fluctuations in regulation, vulnerable individuals, and absence of worker rights. By implanting a due diligence strategy, we ensure we are meeting legislative standards and promoting the eradication of illegal and unethical conduct. 

2.      Continuous Improvement

To deliver our best anti-slavery and trafficking initiatives, at Involved we are constantly monitoring and reviewing how we approach anti-slavery. Regular reviews of our policies allow us to ensure that we remain aligned with modern slavery legislation and regulations. Not only does reviewing aid compliance but further helps us adapt to the changing nature of modern slavery and supply chains. As Involved Solutions, part of our company culture is progression, which we extend to our policies and attitude towards improving how we operate. 

3.      Training

At Involved Solutions, we pride ourselves for the extensive induction and training processes we conduct to ensure education on our company objectives and policies. The topics included but not limit to are on equality, diversity, human rights, and slavery. We deepen these topics, by displaying the warning signs of modern slavery, by raising awareness of how it manifests in the employment sector. We recognise the importance of utilising our responsibility to ensure that our employees and contractors are trained to identify and respond to suspected incidents of slavery and trafficking effectively.


·       Contact Details:

For more information or any queries on Involved Solutions Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, please contact the Director.

Name: Jatinder Deo

Contact Number: 0207 952 2444

Contact Email: